Sunday, October 4, 2009

1+1=1: Unify.

Autumn is rolling in and bringing with it THE GREAT DEPRESSION. I dont mean the actual great depression where all of them people had wheelbarrows of meaningless $$$s, I mean, *sighs* the great depression. The way the cold winds bring over with them the great reminder of how much you love being single in the winter months :(. (you did detect the sarcasm yeah?)
I fucking hate it.
In the summer it's not so bad, but the cold times come and you don't wanna be sleeping alone, for insulation purposes as well as satisfaction purposes.
This annual revelation made me think: WHY IS IT SO HARD TO FIND A GOOD GUY?!
The criteria isn't THAT unnatainable!

All I need is a guy with:

-Thick wrists (NOT for fisting purposes I just like the look of them)
-Shoulders twice as wide as their waist. (don't ask, I can't explain)
-Good jaw

-Shitloads of ink

-Maybe a couple of piercings thrown into the mix

-The capability to say what he means and mean what he says
-The common sense not to cry infront of me (without a good reason, MAN UP!)

- A figure that is not thinner than mine (but not like muscular, just good)!
-Good arms to wrap me up in in the night.
-A height lower than mine, I've given up on finding guys who are taller than me in flats AND in heels, it's a lost cause, and I'm not even THAT tall *sighs more*
-Some talent? A guy who ACTUALLY does something with his life.

-The capability to surprise me with inpromptu sex.
-The common sense to be a G I V E R if you know what i mean ;)
-The obedience to let me lash out every now and again, claws, teeth, sweet.
-The power to pull my hair and bite me and throw me about a bit (in the least domestically violent way possible).

-The initiative to NEVER give me flowers in my life ever. Fuuucking worst idea ever.

Hmm..maybe slightly picky. But fuck it I wanna have my cake and eat it too! AKA I'll get so sick of this already lonesome Autumn/Winter I'll run down the street and snap up the first loser who will have me. Or get alot of cats. I hate cats.
Chani Ra xo

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