Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Michelle Pfeiffer Nose And Lips
For starters, her nose seems significantly more pointy now, compared to when she graced the silk screen as Catwoman in 1992. Nose job?

Checkout the before and after pictures and judge for yourself.

Willie Taylor (of Day 26) had a little birthday get together at ‘My House’ on Sunday night (March 28) in Los Angeles, California.
The singer turned 29 and celebrated with a few of his celebrity friends includingBrandy, Teyana Taylor and Hazel-E (all pictured above).
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Donatella Versace Plastic Surgery
When it comes to bad celebrity plastic surgery, Donatella Versace is leading the way with some of the most outrageous lips in all of the business.
And from the looks of these before and after pictures, the lip augmentation isn't the only plastic surgery procedure she has underwent.

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hi, my name is amber allie alexander yah , im part of wang yah? i think ure kinda bufff yah. nice to meet yah.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Hello CSM / Goodbye Freddy
Yup. It happened.
I got in!
I had my interview yesterday...Got the call today!!
Im in! I can't believe it!!
Anyways...I don't wanna fill the whole page with all this excitement.
Sooooo. Guess what else I achieved today...
Meet Freddy guys!
He's been terrorizing us and our bread for a little while now!
But today as I urinated in the downstairs, he was there with me.
I dunno why, what a pillock. Theres no bread under the toilet bowl is there!
Yeah, well anyways...I got him with the dustpan!
Yup. He's a gonner!
Whoop Whoop! (By the way...i think the expression 'whoop whoop' is basement! I dont think anyone should use it. Its disgusting!...)
Yea...So who on this earth can say, that 'today, I got into CSM and killed a mouse!)
Salma Hayek Breast Implants

One side firmly believes she had plastic surgery, while the other side insists its nothing more than the natural growth of a mothers breasts after giving birth.
However both the before and after pictures listed above are prior to Salma Hayek becoming a proud mother, so this complicates the question even further.
Perhaps we will never know whether or not Salma Hayek truly has breast implants, i guess we can only speculated and come to our own conclusions.
So which side are you on? Natural or plastic surgery?
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
Carla Bruni Plastic Surgery
The question is what on earth has happened to her once good looks?
Is Carla Bruni feeling the added pressure after her marriage to Nicolas Sarkozy and the stress has simply wore her down, or is this the result of something else like plastic surgery?

She could really use some rest and relaxation, or perhaps a revisit to her plastic surgeon.

fugative you wasteman!
i hate this boy soo much, he gets soo many girls, his actually rich and his lyrics are such a par to this country. fuckery,actually can i have his number, his kinda buff!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Claire Stansfield Big Lips
Or perhaps you may remember her as the lovely lady who had amazing natural lips in the 1980's, yet still ventured into plastic surgery while seeking "super mega" trout pout express lips.

I am fashion, hear me roar. SAY WHATTA WHAATTA??
alright pancakes and dumpling basically Donald Crunk and Fashion guru Patti La'sqeual founded this too jokes site and in the very angelic words of donalds he said
"It’s only a matter of time before Jesus comes back to earth and zaps all the people who don’t pray straight to hell. Until then, why not have some fun! And what could be more fun than knowing what's going on in the minds of the pretty and not so pretty people on fashion blogs across the world?
'I am fashion, hear me roar' is here to fill the psycho-sartorial void that’s been missing from your sinful lives.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Barry Manilow Facelift
The legendary singer-songwriter of such hits as "Mandy" and "I Write the Songs" is looking mighty unusual these days, and quite alarmed i might add.
Just by looking at this before and after picture, you can clearly see that Barry Manilow had begun to let himself go, pretty badly in recent years, which may have prompted him to explore plastic surgery opportunities.
The plastic surgery results really speak for themselves, possibly including an eye lift, facelift, cheek implants, facial fillers and a minor nose job.


Princess and The Frog actors/co-stars Jennifer Lewis, Anika Noni Rose, Michael Leon and Jennifer Cody pose for a photo during Princess Tiana’s official induction into the Disney Princess Royal Court at The New York Palace Hotel on Sunday (March 14) in New York City.
The event celebrated the arrival of The Princess and the Frog on Disney Blu-Ray and DVD, which releases March 16th. As Disney’s newest Disney Princess character, Tiana will be included in all Disney Princess merchandise programs featuring multiple Disney Princess characters.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Kim Kardashian Butt Implants
Just the thought of anyone getting butt implants kinda makes you chuckle and wonder what is the world coming to, and how can we stop it from sliding down implant avenue with some dignity remaining.
If Kim Kardashian's backside is truly all natural and has never seen the inside of a plastic surgeons office, i would be pleasantly surprised and would gladly give her high fives for having such an amazing booty.
But chances are we will never know the truth behind "booty gate", so let the speculation run wild!

The Making of "Magicman" - City + Erick Arc Elliot
the bestest thing ever, well kinda. the flow and content is just pretty amazing. endof.
WTF is wrong with me????
Minus this mildy attractive picture of jay-z's beyattch, i mean the "gorgeous" beyonce.basically ive come to the understanding that i could be like alone forever.seriously i actually dont mind living with cats and sqiurrels, im sure that'll be fun. but i always get fucked over??? why is that?considering im not the push over type( am i?), i reckon im rather emotionally stable and confident gurl. soo why is it everytime something cracks in a relationships and stuff, i turned into an emotional wreck.fahhking heck, im such a contradication to myself,. i sit all day preaching bloody independence and be happy with ureself and being like meh! seriously if your single, just embrace finger blasting ureself.atleast you wont get ch ch chlamladia or get pregnant.haha, ive actually just made myself laugh a teeny bit & ive kinda forgotten what this post was all about. hmmm anyhooooo im single and im NOT looking(anymore) although i do still fancy justin bieber,stephen fry and vicky pollard,actuallly scratch everythang.VICKY POLLARD IS LENG #endof
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Rob Lowe Good Genes?
25 years later and Rob Lowe is still looking wide eyed and bushy tailed, like its his first day in Hollywood.
I gotta admit, i don't see any clear signs of plastic surgery on the face of Mr. Rob Lowe, perhaps his nose and eyes look slightly different, however it seems to be nothing but the natural aging process.
Lets hear what the sharp eyed readers have to say, on the topic of Rob Lowe.
Good genes or good plastic surgery!

Monday, March 8, 2010
Ivanka Trump Breast Implants

I always thought Ivanka Trump had naturally large breasts, until just recently when i saw her wearing an open top dress, exposing a good portion of her breasts.
Ivanka Trump's breasts are absolutely all over the place, especially her right breast, which seems to have a mind of its own and is looking to part ways with the rest of her body.
That poor implant looks to be inserted completely wrong, i sure hope she held onto the plastic surgery receipt.
I also have a feeling we'll be featuring her plastic surgery adventures in the future, so stay tuned.