Last week Kelly Rowland held a charity event in Houston in support of her new foundation “I heart My Girlfriends”. Her former Destiny’s Child bandmate Letoya Luckett as well as Lala Vazquez and DJ Brandy Garcia came out to support the event that included beauty tips, music, a fashion show and step show.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
A Chilled Week Begins... & Ends!!!
Bank Holiday Monday 30th August was a chill out day, of Laundry, Housework, Ebaying & Uploading Photo Albums, so I could send my Sister-in-law the photos from her Son Alex's Christening. Had two messages on Facebook from 2 guys who saw me on Saturdays John Bishops Britain & hunted me down, to say they thought I was gorgeous (flattering but a bit odd too) one looked like a nice normal guy the other had no pic so probably a 30st 60yr old Internet perve lol.
Had the heating up full blast, as I was bloody freezing & then I spent time sorting out my posters advertising the audition of new musicians for my band Evil Barbie & The Ken-Dolls, which will be held at Pineapple Dance Studios, on Sept 23rd which will also be filmed for the NEW Sky1 show Showbiz, which is coming out in the New Year. They will then be filming our new music video, later which will also be shown on the show. I have put the word out on various sites, That I am Auditioning NEW Band Members, on sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc and on industry sites such as StarNow. I have had quite a few response's from StarNow. The Posters I put in local shops & Bars should also bring in more local musicians too.

While sorting back room, I came across an old portfolio of some really old School Art Homework & some Still Life Drawings I did when I first started Art College, here are a few examples of my work from when I was 14 to 18 Years Old, I was Big Fan of Adam & The Ants back in the day, still love them to be honest!
In the Wee hrs my friend Ian says he has tickets for 8 Out Of 10 Cats Big Brother Special, did I want to come...... errr do fish swim? do bears crap in the woods!!?.....HELL YEAH!!!.....
The papers all have the STIG V BBC court case all over their front pages, to be honest my enjoyment of Top Gear is not compromised by me knowing who the STIG is, the only thing that's come out of it for me is finding out that the STIG is a SAS hottie called Ben Collins..... I Would!!!.... even though not my usual type!
Continued sorting things then stopped for a bite to eat & to watch "The Hunt For Britain's Sex Traffickers" *Bastards* Ultimate Big Brother & Britain's Ugliest Models on Ch5.
I know the Pierced ,Tattooed, Pensioner, Prince Albert (below) on tonight's episode of Britain's Ugliest Models, he lives near by & is often seen in St Albans, he use to be a good looking bank manager in his youth, of the 1940's movie star ilk, I don't know what made him change so much? My friend Danny Khan who was in Vampire Sitcom "Georgina" with me is best friends with the Owner/creator of Uglys, I'd love to get on their books I must have a word or three to Danny, as I love Uglys Model Agency!!
Had the heating up full blast, as I was bloody freezing & then I spent time sorting out my posters advertising the audition of new musicians for my band Evil Barbie & The Ken-Dolls, which will be held at Pineapple Dance Studios, on Sept 23rd which will also be filmed for the NEW Sky1 show Showbiz, which is coming out in the New Year. They will then be filming our new music video, later which will also be shown on the show. I have put the word out on various sites, That I am Auditioning NEW Band Members, on sites such as Facebook, Myspace, Twitter etc and on industry sites such as StarNow. I have had quite a few response's from StarNow. The Posters I put in local shops & Bars should also bring in more local musicians too.

Tuesday 31st August was an equally chilled day, but the weather had gone from bitter cold winter (yesterday) to hot bikini weather today, so I took the dogs for a few hours walk by the lake in the park, and did some gardening. The VERY apologetic painter & decorator, apologised for his helper cocking up (re my painted open back room window) saying if anything was damaged they would reimburse me. The back of the building is now done just the front to do, which I believe will be done on Sunday thank god about time!.... got home checked my StarNow Advert responses, Five new applications since this morning, Two Drummers & Three Guitarists, all good & two guitarists really look & sound the part!!...
My BFF Candy called & I'm going to see her in Muswell Hill, North London & stay over Friday & then Saturday I'm off to see my friend Nicky & stay over with her & catch up!!... slowly started sorting through my late Mums stuff, stored in my back room, she died unexpectedly a year ago due to internal bleeding caused by an aneurysm & it has taken me a year & a bit to be able to sorting through it, without wanting to burst into tears, but I need to clear the room up & get my easel set back up & get back into my artwork. My friend Gemma (who was going to go on coach trip with me) called & said to keep Sat 11th free for her birthday party at The Orange Tree Totteridge. She said she has got the pink back in her hair she use to have & there is a Mad Hatter theme so its all crazy headgear which should be a laugh, I may even make one if this week stays chilled enough that I have the time ......
Gemma With Her Pink Back
Wed Sept 1st & the 1st day of the new month starts with 2hrs with my Fitness First Running Club, round Sunny St Albans Parks & fields, the scab on my lip from dog bite is healing but still tender, I then parcelled up 6 items bought off me on Ebay, I noticed a Pound Shop has opened up in the high street, while I was out taking items to the Post Office, meanwhile Primark have been in a 3-4yr battle with The Abbey Society, because Primark started refitting the old McDonnalds after the council gave them planning permission, only for the Abbey Society (who own most of St Albans Land) to put an injunction on it, forcing them to down tools, saying Primak was too down market for St Albans!! (errrr and a Pound Shop isn't ???) Spoke to my friend Gemma (in pic above) she has almost finished her wall mural in her studio & as it's her 1st ever wall mural, & I think for a 1st attempt she has done a bloody good job (as you can see by pic of the semi finished mural below)
I did some more laundry & now I am now about to sort more items from the back room, both my late mums things & my own, to make room for me to set up my art corner again, & my dressmaking corner, to make clothes, home furnishings & the character dolls I make of my friends (below) which all come with the relevant scars/tattoo's etc of the friends they represent, all my friends wait in anticipation as to what Xmas or Birthday they will receive a doll of themselves, need to sort out those painting & sewing corners as they are somewhat buried at the moment!! & I'm missing being creative, at the moment I can only be that through acting or when I'm singing!! whether with my Band Evil Barbie & The Ken-Dolls or just having fun at Karaoke......
Me & The Gang On Our Turkish Holiday
In The Beachwear We Wore On Turkish Holiday
Chris's Legs Are Meant To Be White
(they never tan!!!)
The Doll Of Me in Bikini & Jewelery
I Wore Most On The Holiday
(inc belly stud)
The Me Doll
In Dress Worn Most On Holiday
(the one I wore for music festival in the year so far blog)
While sorting back room, I came across an old portfolio of some really old School Art Homework & some Still Life Drawings I did when I first started Art College, here are a few examples of my work from when I was 14 to 18 Years Old, I was Big Fan of Adam & The Ants back in the day, still love them to be honest!
Pencil Drawing Of Adam & The Ants
(for my school homework)
Iris Line Drawing Study For School Homework
Cacti & Fern Ink & Wax Etching
Nude Line Drawing
Nude Charcoal Drawing
Charcoal & Chalk Nude
Pencil Line Drawing Of Shoe
Had a break from sorting back room to watch Ugly Betty & Ultimate Big Brother before going back to continue sorting for the rest of the evening.
In the Wee hrs my friend Ian says he has tickets for 8 Out Of 10 Cats Big Brother Special, did I want to come...... errr do fish swim? do bears crap in the woods!!?.....HELL YEAH!!!.....
Thursday 2nd Sept & I didn't fall asleep until 5am or later, as I'm a bloody insomniac & as usual certain friends woke me with texts from 8am as they have been doing all week FFS so I have been living on 2-3hrs sleep a day (I wouldn't mind but, the texts were nothing so urgent, that they couldn't be sent after noon or at least not before 10am!! they wake me even if I put phone on vibrate (I am a ridiculously light sleeper!!) My Heat Magazine came in the post (delayed by Bank Holiday) opened it up & I fell in love on the page in front of me was George Lamb, (See below) now normally Gorge George would of had 100% of my attention, but in his arms was the object of my affections the gorgeous Beefy Rothstein (I fell in love immediately!!) Beefy is the heat Office's cat!! he is @BeefyRothstein on twitter & has his own facebook page for those of you who are smitten with him like me!
I was pottering round the house before setting off up the park with the dogs, when something (nothing in particular) made me think of Mum & I found myself welling up & crying bucket loads of silent tears, (I didn't think I had any left after crying constantly for 6 months after she died) she was more than my mum she was also my best friend & I miss her so much!!....
Minimum, I'm in Flats Mums in Heels!!
Not all Son-in-laws hate their Mother-in-law
Yet another lovely day & I spent a hour or more with the 3 dogs down the Park Husky (Aku) Chocolate Labrador (Stanley) & Chocolate Labrador puppy (Betty) As usual Stanley went swimming in the lake (hunting for left over bread thrown for the Ducks, Geese & Swans etc) saw some really big fish in the side stream, no wonder the heron is often sat there fishing!!
My friend Mike called & said was I about Friday? as he fancied an evening out, but I said I'd be at Candies.
Mike & I have been best friends since I was 21 that's 25yrs
Posted more Ebay Sales & went home, the owner of the Tattoo parlour next door saw me & said she was going to get the lads (who work or hang outside the tattooists) to clear up all their junk they leave in my courtyard (about time, it's beginning to look like Hoboville!!) I was chatting to one of the tattooist lads about a few tattoo designs I did for friends (I base them around the astrological charts I do for them) he said he would be interested in seeing some, they might buy some designs off me!!..... would be handy!
One Of my Astrological Chart Based Tattoo Designs
The papers all have the STIG V BBC court case all over their front pages, to be honest my enjoyment of Top Gear is not compromised by me knowing who the STIG is, the only thing that's come out of it for me is finding out that the STIG is a SAS hottie called Ben Collins..... I Would!!!.... even though not my usual type!
Continued sorting things then stopped for a bite to eat & to watch "The Hunt For Britain's Sex Traffickers" *Bastards* Ultimate Big Brother & Britain's Ugliest Models on Ch5.
I know the Pierced ,Tattooed, Pensioner, Prince Albert (below) on tonight's episode of Britain's Ugliest Models, he lives near by & is often seen in St Albans, he use to be a good looking bank manager in his youth, of the 1940's movie star ilk, I don't know what made him change so much? My friend Danny Khan who was in Vampire Sitcom "Georgina" with me is best friends with the Owner/creator of Uglys, I'd love to get on their books I must have a word or three to Danny, as I love Uglys Model Agency!!
Friday 3rd Sept, was more hectic, first a hour running around the park playing Frisbee with the dogs, then running round paying a few bills, a quick jump in the bath & then slipped into a coral maxi summer dress & big Sunny's, as it was a hot summers day out packed my big sequined tote bag with my nightie & a few essentials & went to the bus stop in the high st & waited for the 712 Greenline bus to London, got off at Brent Cross Shopping Centre & caught a 102 to Muswell Hill, got to Candies & caught up with the latest gossip & then her eldest son Xavier showed me a few things on his PC & got me to play a few games with him on Club Penguin, have to say the fishing game was quite fun, as was the water doughnut one!! (Big Kid)
Watched Ultimate Big Brother in the evening with Candie & chatted about Nasty Nick & Victor's snug show, Big Brothers Little Brothers Cousin, saying how funny it was, the conversation then moved to Big Brothers Little Brother, Candie asked if George Lamb had a Girlfriend? I said "he did have then they broke up, don't know if he is dating anyone new now?" she said "I think you should date him, you would suit each other" I laughed well when ever I see him & we have a picture taken he always ends up looking down my top, unavoidable really as he is so tall (love a tall guy!!) She said "Good start you should stalk him into marrying you Bridget Neilson stylie!!" I laughed & said "Yeah until the restraining order ruins things!!".......
My future fiance?
Damn Those Restraining Orders!!
Stayed up to watch Vanessa Felts on the live feed in the Ultimate Big Brother House (she went in tonight after Makosi & Nadia went out in a double eviction) Victor & Nasty Nick interviewed her in the snug for their big Brothers Little Brothers Cousin show case very amusing!!....... ended up going to bed at 4am
Saturday 4th Sept got up at 8.30am had breakfast with Candie & the kids then took the kids into Muswell Hill Town so Candie could have some peace & quiet while she gave some clients a makeover (bride & bridesmaids) got some fun toot from 99p store then came back put CBB's on for Tiger & made us pizza for our lunch & then played some more club penguin fishing games on Xaviers PC as he wanted me to play as his penguin to get lots of coins, so he could use them to pay to refurbish his Club Penguin Igloo, Candy & I chatted for a bit, arranged to have an afternoon out in the city soon & watched some TV then she gave me a lift to Finsbury Park, got back to St Albans (the weather chillier than the beautiful day before) Xavier (aged 9) passed me a note with his Club Penguin account details & asked me to play the fishing game at home for him to increase his coins & so he could decorate his igloo more, I burst out laughing & had a word to him about slave labour! lol. I got a paper & a couple of diet cokes to shove in my bag on the way home & 30mins later Nicky picked me up, had a really nice dinner at Nicky's, of Fish Shish Kebabs, potato wedges, pea & sweetcorn salad & bread. Then after her daughter Emily-Louise (aka Mini) went to bed we caught up on the latest gossip & then chilled out in front of the TV by midnight I was flagging & went to bed Falling asleep around 1am
Sunday 5th Sept I woke up at 8.30am & had a laugh with Mini & Nicky (Mini was being very cute) had a coffee & caught up with the local gossip at Nicky's end of town (London Colney) and I gave her the gossip about mutual friends & what little gossip there was from the Centre of St Albans where I live. Watched a bit of BBLB played a bit with Mini had a late brunch about 2.30pm & headed home about 4pm still feeling tired. Made myself a strong coffee & then settled down to watch Transformers Excellent!! I LOVE Robots!
When I was a little girl I was a typical girly looking little girl with blonde ringlets, frilly dresses & bows in my hair but I absolutely LOVED Robots (dinosaurs & dragons too) when I was 5yrs old my Nan took me & my 2yr old brother Bill in to a toyshop, to buy me my birthday present & told me to choose 2 things I could have whatever I wanted!.... did I choose a cute Teddy or a Barbie or Sindy Doll?...... Nope I chose a battery operated Darlek & a battery operated Pink & Silver Robot with revolving lit up eyes. My Nan took them to the counter & the guy behind the desk looked at Bill & said "Good choice, the little lad will love these" My mum said my nan told her his face was a picture when she said "There not for him, they are for her!" pointing in my direction.
My love affair continues today with my love of the gorgeous Titan The Robot! (in pic below) If I won Euromillions I'd want a Titan living with me in my Huge NEW home!!..... I adore him!!!
Watched Ultimate Big Brother, Chatty Man, & The Waterboy before crashing out at 1am ending my chilled week next week looks more action packed with going to "8 out of 10 Cats" on Wednesday, my friend Sammy (friend of BB11 Ben) wants me to come on a girls night out of drinks & clubbing in Mayfair Friday, then there is Gemma's Birthday do in Totteridge Saturday & god only knows what in between!!!????......
Holly Madison Plastic Surgery - Breasts And Nose
Holly Madison before and after breast implants, nose job plastic surgery.

Once again, Holly Madison has found her way into our homes, this time by starring in her own self titled reality show, Holly's World.
And if you're like be me, its hard to ignore Holly Madison's blatant plastic surgery transformation, most notably her exceedingly large breast implants, along with her chiseled and restructured nose job.
I recently read an interview that Holly had with Life & Style magazine last year, and she really opened up about her plastic surgery and self confidence issues.

Holly Madison Interview Part 1
"When I was younger, I was the first person in my class to start getting boobs, so I thought I was going to be huge. But I stopped growing before everybody else started. That was a big letdown… I compared myself to those (Playboy playmates). I knew what I wanted to look like and was kind of disappointed. I had a butt and no boobs."
Scarlett Johansson before and after nose job
"I always stuffed my bra. In fact, I had a boyfriend for years, and we moved so slowly. We didn't have sex for a long time because I had to gradually bring down my bra size so he wouldn't find out I stuffed my bra!"

Holly Madison Interview Part 2
"Plastic surgery made it easier for me to get things I wanted in my career. Without it, I wouldn't be where I am today… My nose photographed really big in front of my face. If I wanted to do anything in the entertainment industry, I needed to get it fixed. I was definitely happy with the results. It made me more confident. And a lot of doors open when you look a certain way."
Kendra Wilkinson before and after breast implants
"I wouldn't consider more surgery - unless my body implodes after I have kids! And I'm scared of getting stuff (like Botox) put into my face. It makes you look like you have a rubber mask on. Beauty is truly on the inside. Looks don't define you - they're just a tool to get what you want."

Well Holly, lets keep our fingers crossed and hope that your body doesn't implode, because the last thing we want to see is yet another botched celebrity plastic surgery disaster story. Seriously we mean it! We can't take it anymore!
And finally, checkout the after photo below of the finished product we like to call, Holly Madison redux.

Monday, August 30, 2010
MadSid McMad A Fag Hags Dream!!
My Increadably Talented friend, MadSid McMad (AKA John Carey) made me an amazing Beehive with side Ponytail Wig & did my Face Art, for some filming I did, as My Alter Ego Evil Barbie ( I sing in a band "Evil Barbie & The Ken-Dolls) Sid is wonderfully creative, with both his face art, as you will see in this Blog I've dedicated to him, and his wigs are equally creative. Sid works at The Gay Club, Club DV8 in Birmingham, right on the corner of Kent Street and Lower Essex Street, bang in the middle of Birmingham’s Gay Village, just 5 minutes walk away from Birmingham New Street Station, where he is a Club Host, he is the most lovely guy you could possibly hope to meet & is very modest for a Creative Genius. He sells his Amazing Drag Wigs on Ebay the link is at bottom of this Blog, for those of you who are interested interested in acquiring some, I highly recomend them.
Here are some of MadSids Amazing looks while working at DV8, the face art is all his own work (what a Star) I hope & prey that one day ,whether with or without my help, his talent will be recognised by the media & he becomes a household name!!
So now you have seen some of MadSid McMads Creative Alter Ego's at Club DV8 Birmingham, below are some of the drag wigs he makes and sells on Ebay, great for Drag Queens, Budding Drag Queens & Fancy Dress & Stage wear like I said I will add a link to his Ebay Site so you can check out whats for sale....
So there you go there is just a selection of what MadSid McMad can do check his wigs out on Ebay & check out Club DV8 when your in Birmingham fellow Fag Hags & Fags!! You won't be dissapointed!!....
MadSid McMad's Ebay Wigs
MadSid's talents don't end there though oh no...... He makes amazing cakes too!!!!
Drag Queens,
Evil Barbie And The Ken-Dolls,
MadSid McMad,
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