Friday, December 31, 2010
Kim Kardashian Before After Lip Injections

And its no secret that Kim K has a fabulously bountiful pair of lush lips, which has also been the target of cosmetic enhancement speculation.
Many blogs are using this before and after photo as a viable comparison, justifying the enhancement of Ms. Kardashian's lips, however I'm not fully sold on the idea. Kim has been quoted as saying...
I think lip injections look very fake and bad and I wouldn't want to kiss anyone with stuff in their lips, so I wouldn't do it to myself.

One thing that is quite clear with Kim Kardashian, she tends to go way overboard with her use of makeup, and it also looks like she is applying too much lip gloss plumper. Which pretty much solves this lip injection/implant rumor.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
It's Christmasssssssssssssssssss!!!!
What Did You Find Under Your Tree??
Set off out to my friend David's house with Card & dog treats, made a fuss of Stanley & Betty, David had got me a bottle of Champagne & a box of M&S assorted Choc's, took the dogs for a walk over the park, which looks so beautiful in the snow, gutted my camera is busted, so I cant capture some photos of it!!
Went back to David's & collected my Champagne, Chocs & Card & headed home. Had a coffee and a couple of chocs then headed out again & went to the post office to post off 5 items sold on eBay & last of Xmas Cards.
Went back to David's & collected my Champagne, Chocs & Card & headed home. Had a coffee and a couple of chocs then headed out again & went to the post office to post off 5 items sold on eBay & last of Xmas Cards.
Popped to newsagents to buy Sun paper & Now Magazine then popped into J K Palmers for a Cappuccino to thaw me out, flicked through Now Magazine & thought wow BB11 Josie Gibson is very done up on page 23, only to discover it's not Josie but Girls Aloud's Sarah Harding!! OMG!! I'd never have recognised her!! what has she done to herself, she looks like a totally different person!! Bizarre!!
Josie Gibson, oops I mean Sarah Harding
Went to the nail bar for a manicure & re polish as they have grown a lot since last visit, the news was on on the flat screen in the nail bar, and we were all saying how crazy it was that roads, planes & trains all come to a standstill in UK as soon as we get a bit of snowfall, where as country's who have much worse snow like Canada etc cope OK.
For god's sake if planes/choppers can drop research people in the Antarctic, how the hell can we be trapped on roads or have trains & planes cancelled?? disgusting, Airports should have their own salt/grit piles & snow ploughs (they rake enough money in in excess baggage charges etc) its crazy winters were always like this in the 70's 80's when I was a kid, with past milder winters, councils & airports etc have got complacent!!
Why could steam trains in the 1800's get through snow, when today's with their heated electric tracks can't?? Why can't there be removable snow plough shovels fitted to the front of trains at the 1st warnings of snow (like the ones on front of steam trains) so they shovel snow off tracks from the off when it 1st starts to snow, keeping lines clear as snowfall gets heavier? must be cheaper to make those, than to pay back compensation for cancelled trains & lose train fares!!
Had my nails painted black again, with holistic, China Glaze Glitter, over the top, which made it sparkle blue, green, red, orange, gold, silver like stars in the night sky!! They made me a coffee & gave me a few Xmas chocs lol, and as I was leaving gave me a Xmas prezzie of a hand cream & big chunky nail file in a gold gift bag (that was nice!!!) popped into Pound Land & spent £2 on two magic scarves they are £12-£18 each in other shops. Below is a link for JML's magic Scarf at £14.99 & all the ways to wear it if you have a Pound Land near you theirs is just as good & only £1
Got in & had a diet coke & filed away all my proof of postage's from Post Office in relevant folder, put a black wash in the machine & collected all the dry laundry to either put away or put to one side to iron, made another coffee & had a few more chocs watched EastEnders, checked my Emails Annabelle's wigs have replied they are going to exchange Dolly for Andreanna, which is great news, I then chilled with the paper.
Another coffee & a few more choc's later I watched the fantastic V, I missed it last week while at Candie's, so had to catch up not sure when the leaders daughter joined up with the 5th Column revolution?
Then I watched Alan Carr's Chattyman, with Cheryl Cole as guest, she looked pretty but murdered her acoustic version of "Promise This" in spite of some auto-tune & echo on mike! She had a cut out sides dress & held a cushion over midriff when realised she needed to sit on sofa in it, worried about the flab hanging out love?? (there is nothing of her, but apparently she wants to lose 9lb before starting being a judge on Americans Xfactor!!) Then she sang her new single "The Flood" apt as blood was flooding out of my ears until that noise stopped!!
Then I chilled out in bed watching Medium before settling down for the night. Suddenly realising my entire consumption for the day was 2 diet decaf cokes, a few decaf coffee's a cappuccino & 400g of Assorted M&S chocolates, lol must be Christmas!!
Then I watched Alan Carr's Chattyman, with Cheryl Cole as guest, she looked pretty but murdered her acoustic version of "Promise This" in spite of some auto-tune & echo on mike! She had a cut out sides dress & held a cushion over midriff when realised she needed to sit on sofa in it, worried about the flab hanging out love?? (there is nothing of her, but apparently she wants to lose 9lb before starting being a judge on Americans Xfactor!!) Then she sang her new single "The Flood" apt as blood was flooding out of my ears until that noise stopped!!
Then I chilled out in bed watching Medium before settling down for the night. Suddenly realising my entire consumption for the day was 2 diet decaf cokes, a few decaf coffee's a cappuccino & 400g of Assorted M&S chocolates, lol must be Christmas!!
Tuesday 21st Dec, Had a really long complex dream, don't recall much, except I had a boyfriend & was on a few dates, I'd moved flat & was chatting to a past Turkish landlady, who was being very nice, Prince William was in it at some point, not sure whether he was my boyfriend in it at any point or not?
Got up & got my redelivered parcel at 9.30am. It was from my Brother Bill & his wife, with 3 presents inside it, one from my nephews Alex & Andrew, one from niece's Jessica & Katy & one from Bill & wife Karen. It doesn't seem to have snowed again overnight & temperatures have gone up, as water is pouring down over the edge of my roof, where the snow is melting (oh great if the temperatures drop again that's going to turn into black ice!!) I don't want to end up with a few stitches in my head like last year, thanks to black ice!!
I had a wash & washed hair did make-up & wore Elle olive leggings, with long black leg warmers, under my long, flat, black boots, my cream DKNY turtle neck, with my long calf length black cardigan, wore my cream magic scarf & panda/polar bear bobble hat & went for a long walk round the snow covered park & frozen lake, it looked so beautiful, gutted that I had no camera to capture it with, as I broke my digital camera at Zombie film shoot (Houseparty Of The Dead 6)
Some idiot teens were standing on the frozen lake, planning to skate when it was obviously thawing. One went through the ice!! luckily he was near the edge, so only went through up to his chest if he was further out he'd be in trouble!! It was by falling through ice on that very pond as a child & swallowing the dirty pond water, that Professor Stephen Hawking's got Motor neurons disease!!!
After a few hours of walking I went to get 2 identical wreaths (one to put on mum & dads grave & one to hang at home as a kind of connective link) also bought the last part of Nat & Terry's Christmas Presents by then it was 3.45pm and my belly was rumbling as I'd not eaten today, so I popped into J K Palmer's & had a tuna melt jacket potato, and cappuccino, I was going to walk down to mum & dads grave after but it's a 45min - 1hr walk there & the same back & with the snow/ice covered pavements probably a 1hr to 90min walk each way & it was starting to get dark already, think maybe I should do tomorrow before going to Candies or leave going to Candies until Thurs??
Got home wrapped Nat & Terry's prezzies & put them with other stuff to take to Candies, TV is shite tonight & anything that looked good on TV guide tonight wasn't actually on (typical at this time of year, for some reason Christmas TV guides are as reliable as British TV Weathermen reports!!!)
Read the Paper rubbish inner page of Vivienne Westwood wrapping paper Crap design & on newspaper paper so looks ultra cheap! 12 Asians have been arrested in connection to a Christmas Mumbai - style, Terror Plot (Vile Scum) 5 in Wales, the others in London, Birmingham & Stoke-on-Trent fast action was needed to ensure public safety as the attacks were imminent. Some people in Wales were given a warning of an imminent attack & was told if caught up in a shopping centre shooting not to run to the exits for safety as they would probably be booby trapped with bombs (showing what murdering scum they are) warnings were going out amid friends on Facebook. We need capital punishment for these filth not cushy jail sentences in cushy jails, they are NOT a deterrent!!! More on stranded people at airports (don't get me started on that one!!)
Read the Paper rubbish inner page of Vivienne Westwood wrapping paper Crap design & on newspaper paper so looks ultra cheap! 12 Asians have been arrested in connection to a Christmas Mumbai - style, Terror Plot (Vile Scum) 5 in Wales, the others in London, Birmingham & Stoke-on-Trent fast action was needed to ensure public safety as the attacks were imminent. Some people in Wales were given a warning of an imminent attack & was told if caught up in a shopping centre shooting not to run to the exits for safety as they would probably be booby trapped with bombs (showing what murdering scum they are) warnings were going out amid friends on Facebook. We need capital punishment for these filth not cushy jail sentences in cushy jails, they are NOT a deterrent!!! More on stranded people at airports (don't get me started on that one!!)
Everyone seems to be texting, emailing, tweeting, inboxing or writing on my Facebook wall, that they have seen me on Sky1's Ad/Trailer for "Louie Spence's Showbusiness" I'm apparently the only person from our group of 9 that featured on the trailer, it's a shot from the Garden Party, at Nerissa's & I'm laughing holding a glass of wine. Annoyingly I can't see it, as I only have Freeview TV, as I can't afford to splash out on TV packages at mo!! Hope the others aren't put out that I'm the only one of us on trailer. The 1st episode apparently air's on Jan 5th (Wednesday)
7 Of The 9 Of The Showbusiness Gang
Louie Spence
Wednesday 22nd Dec, Had a complex long dream where in one part of it I was getting married & it was a double wedding!!There was lots of other stuff with celebrity's & party's (I have a fabulous social life!!......... in my dreams!!) I think Prince William was in there somewhere too, yet again!!
From my sister Julie & Erdal I got a metal female form with hooks on & loops for wall mounting for putting necklaces & scarves on etc a Silver Light up Orchid Spray in Black Vase, both from Dunelm Mill (She must of wrapped them in a hurry, as both had price still on) & a pair of brown & gold Dolce & Gabbana Sunglasses.
From my Brother Bill & Wife Karen I got a pretty silver chain with square cut cubic zirconia droplet & matching Square cut ear studs, from Mood by Jon Richard, (which I put on) from his two daughters Katy & Jessica I got a creamy beige Chenille Scarf & Glove Set from Dorothy Perkins, and from son's Andrew & Alex I got a Cat Calendar.
We cleared away the wrapping paper & other packaging's & played with some of Xavier's toys. Candie got him a brilliant laminated card Electric guitar which plays a backing track & then you strum on it to play along, its really good Candie said if it goes down in the sales she will get another one & we will go up the South Bank Dressed up as rock stars & busk for a laugh!! (we are sooooo grown up!! NOT!!)
Flicked channels a bit (Typical Christmas TV either rubbish or repeats ----> most of which are also rubbish!!) except for the best ever Christmas Film "Scrooged" which I saw a snippet of. My sister Julie text at 2.54pm (which was unusual as she normally calls) saying "Happy Crimbo - hope your having a lovely day wherever you are & whatever your doing & thanks for the pressies x x x" Which I thought was a bit odd, as she knew I was at Candie's as she asked what I was doing for Christmas, last weekend when she dropped my prezzies off?? Maybe she sent it as a double text to both Bill & I??? I haven't heard from Bill, he hasn't even replied to my text a week ago that I'm on Louie Spence's Showbusiness, mind you maybe I shouldn't be surprised, he told me once if I was on Big Brother, he wouldn't bother watching me and the other talentless losers. Not sure what time to text/call him is best, as not sure if he, or his ex wife, has the 3 kids in the morning or afternoon & I don't want to interrupt family time.
We saw the Queens Speech, then saw the Start of Shrek The Third (a Shrek I haven't seen) at 3.10pm & then later turned off TV to go to the dinner table at 3.30pm Had a tasty dinner of roast Potatoes, Parsnips, Carrots & Onions with Cauliflower Cheese, with cranberry & bread sauce (Xavier, Costa & Tiger had Turkey) washed down with white wine. We were too full for Christmas pud & put TV on at 5pm as the Gruffalo was going off (lol 2nd year in a row I've missed that animation!!)
Watched the news more on that poor missing girl Joe who vanished the week before Christmas, just like I feared, she was found dead, today! Her body found by a roadside too frozen to do a post mortem yet. Candie was feeling rough (like me she is still not fully over the swine flu) so she went to bed for a bit around 5.15pm Costa cleared the table with Xavier & put stuff in the dish washer. I made Candie a Green tea for her throat & took it up to her.
Tried texting Karen Bills Wife Happy Christmas, & thanking them for the presents as she seems to contact me more than Bill these days, (he never responded to my text to him about Showbusiness starting on January 5th a week ago) but I had no more credit on my phone after messaging all my friends back to return their Christmas texts & there were no shops open. Couldn't reply to Nat or other friends that sent me additional texts either.
Costa lit a log fire in the lounge with Xavier's eager help & put on Nazi Collaborators at 7pm on Yesterday & promptly fell asleep so with him asleep downstairs & Candie asleep upstairs I watched Coronation St & Louie Spence's Christmas message on sky1 & finally saw myself on the promo Advert!! While keeping an eye on the kids.
Candie Came down at 9pm just in time to watch The Royal Family Christmas Special & Costa woke up in time to see it too, quite funny but not really my kinda thing, if I'm honest. Then we watched new show "Come Fly With Me" quite amusing but not rip-roaringly funny like Little Britain use to be!! Xavier didn't quite cotton on that all the Characters were the same two men (even the women) had some cheese & biscuits as I had the munchies with some Port, Candie went up to bed along with Xavier. Watched the "Greatest Christmas Adverts" with Costa he went up to bed after reading a bit of the Alan Sugar Biography Candie got him for Christmas.
I went to bed shortly after, without receiving a Happy Christmas text from my Brother Bill or his wife Karen. I know they have yet to get their presents from me, as there are lots and they are too heavy for me to be able, to afford to post in a big container, but I thought I'd at least get a Happy Christmas, I know they didn't get one from me but I tried to text them, but had run out of credit & their phones are contract not pay as you go, so wont have the same problem, oh well!.
Sunday 26th December, lazed in bed until 10am as Candie, Costa & the kids had also laid in, got up & had a coffee & chatted to Candie, Xavier went out with Costa to cut some Logs etc, I popped over the shop & got myself a NOTW Paper & some Diet Cokes plus some Lucazade's & Rennie for Candie & topped up my mobile to text Bill & Karen Happy Christmas. Came back & gave Candie the cash for the kids prezzies now that I had split the £20 in my purse.
Text Karen my Happy Christmas & thanks for presents message that I tried to send yesterday (adding that I'd tried to send but had run out of credit) then chilled and read the Sunday Paper.Karen text back at 12.26pm "So plsd u like ur pressies June ;) kids came yest4 theirs then went 2 C's sister in aft. Alex is relly coming on now & has some noisy toys 2 play with. We'r going 2c my Mum & Dad 2day - turkey sandwich any1? Njoy ur time with Candie & her family June. Say Merry Christmas from all of us. Love Karen xx"
Then I got hungry & went & fixed myself some left over cauliflower cheese & roast veg from yesterday & re heated in the microwave (as Candie isn't feeling hungry while ill) Washed down with Tia Maria & Diet Coke. Candie said we might go to Nat & Terry's today yesterday, but she's feeling rough & Costa has the car, text Nat Candie said they could come over any time today or tomorrow if they wanted, as she is feeling poorly & has no car. Nat said they were off to his sisters in Birmingham tomorrow & they couldn't come right now as they were waiting for guests to turn up, I said no worries whenever they can there is presents under the tree for them from me. He said he had mine there waiting for me too!
Later Costa & Xavier came back with logs & then Costa disappeared back out in the car again, watched Charlie & The Chocolate Factory with Candie & Xavier (the Johnny Depp version) Tiger was absorbed with his ipad. Then Candie went to have a bath as the base of her spine was hurting & she was feeling ropey! so I kept an eye on Tiger & Xavier until Costa popped in & he and Xavier went out yet again, Costa is like a yo yo back & forth full of nervous energy needing an outlet. Later he called Candie from the Indian & asked us if we wanted a curry brought home, I went for a King Prawn Curry & Rice which was very tasty indeed, washed down with some wine.
Watched EastEnders & then Benidorm (not as funny as expected) also after all the hype about Louie Spence being on it, he was only on screen a few seconds. The kids went to bed, then we watched Candies fave film "Love Actually" & at every romantic act by a guy to a girl we'd turn to each other & go "nothing like that ever happens to me!" which made me laugh as Costa was in the room. We then all went to bed, the papers & TV guides have had today down as Boxing day, which is in fact incorrect, Boxing Day is actually on Tuesday as the rules are you can't have Boxing Day on a Sunday or Bank Holiday so Boxing Day is actually on Tuesday!!.
Wednesday 22nd Dec, Had a complex long dream where in one part of it I was getting married & it was a double wedding!!There was lots of other stuff with celebrity's & party's (I have a fabulous social life!!......... in my dreams!!) I think Prince William was in there somewhere too, yet again!!
I got dressed, then chatted to Candie on the mobile, about me coming over to hers on Thursday, rather than today. I wrapped up warm in my long, flat, black boots, long coat & woolly hat, got hold of my wreath & began the 1hr 30min walk to the Cemetery got to the grave & laid my wreath, the plant my sister Julie took down (the Sunday they dropped my presents round!) probably a poinsettia, had died already in the cold snow. Stood chatting to my parents at their grave, telling them how much I missed them & what I'd been doing lately, then as it was already dark I started back on the 90min walk home, stopping on the way to stroke a couple of horses in a field.
Got back into town bought final present for Nicky & popped into Starbucks & got a cappuccino, plus a blueberry & seed yogurt very tasty (189cals) then popped & got last Xmas prezzie for Nicky, then went home & wrapped them up, then fixed dinner steamed salmon & mangetout yummy!!
Read the paper the piece of trash that calls himself The Crossbow Cannibal (Stephen Griffiths) says he has killed loads more than the last 3 female victims we know about, he is still on hunger strike refusing food & drink, good let him die then we are saving tax payers money on feeding him & also freeing up a cell for more criminal vermin!!
Talking of which Abu Hamza's daughter-in-law has been arrested trying to smuggle a sim card into him, which suggests he has a mobile hidden somewhere in his cell. More on the swine flu & flu epidemic, I think both Candie & I have had Swine Flu, luckily her kids were less affected than we were (we still aren't fully recovered) waiting for results on it.
Zara Phillips is getting married to her Rugby man Mike Tindall (I'm often told I look like Zara) which I can see more than the comparisons with Stacey Solomon
Read the paper the piece of trash that calls himself The Crossbow Cannibal (Stephen Griffiths) says he has killed loads more than the last 3 female victims we know about, he is still on hunger strike refusing food & drink, good let him die then we are saving tax payers money on feeding him & also freeing up a cell for more criminal vermin!!
Zara Phillips is getting married to her Rugby man Mike Tindall (I'm often told I look like Zara) which I can see more than the comparisons with Stacey Solomon
Zara Phillips
The Parents of Missing Joanna Yeates, made a heartbreaking weeping TV appeal, to beg anyone if they have her, to let her go. Poor Jo vanished after a Christmas drink last Friday, while her boyfriend was away for the weekend, in Sheffield, visiting family. The circumstances are bizarre and wreak of fowl play, her shopping, bought the last time seen alive, was there (but not a pizza, bought in Tescos, though it was not eaten there, as none of the packaging is in the inner or outer bins?) her coat, house keys & mobile were also left behind in the flat, most odd. I have a uneasy feeling she will be found by Christmas dead, I do hope I'm wrong!!
Watched the Celebrity Come Dine With Me Christmas Special, DJ Goldie, Susie Amy from "Footballers Wives" Janet Ellis "Blue Peter" presenter & mum to Sophie Ellis Bexter, plus Tony Christie, very funny Goldies son Danny use to work for/with me in !CE Bar & Goldie also hit on my friend Andrea, his two adorable Huskies looked mega cute in their Reindeer antler headbands. Had a fairly early night as I'm off to Candies in the morning!!
Joanna Yeates
Watched the Celebrity Come Dine With Me Christmas Special, DJ Goldie, Susie Amy from "Footballers Wives" Janet Ellis "Blue Peter" presenter & mum to Sophie Ellis Bexter, plus Tony Christie, very funny Goldies son Danny use to work for/with me in !CE Bar & Goldie also hit on my friend Andrea, his two adorable Huskies looked mega cute in their Reindeer antler headbands. Had a fairly early night as I'm off to Candies in the morning!!
Thursday 23rd Dec, Had a really busy complex dream, which I can no longer recall on waking, except for it was long with a lot going on!! My throats really sore, but at last I'm clearing my nose and sinuses, so my head should be less muzzy & I will hopefully have less headaches, the tests are back and the results are that Candie & I have Swine Flu (no wonder I've felt so piggin rough for 8 weeks!!)
I had a coffee & porridge with blueberry's for breakfast, wore olive Elle leggings with peach polo neck, my long flat black boots & did a natural make-up pulled on Panda hat & long coat & popped into Letting agents to pay Novembers rent, now I have to somehow scrape together enough to pay Decembers, hopefully before end of December, to get up to date (electric & gas bills will have to wait!!)
Came home & packed my case for my stay at Candies nothing glam (unless you count my black jersey Jane Norman, heaving cleavage, shirt dress?) as we wont be out partying so its all warm comfy stuff (mostly leggings) that can be crushed down small in case, to make room for me to put in my presents from my brother & sister, plus my presents for Candy, Nat & Terry.
I had a coffee & porridge with blueberry's for breakfast, wore olive Elle leggings with peach polo neck, my long flat black boots & did a natural make-up pulled on Panda hat & long coat & popped into Letting agents to pay Novembers rent, now I have to somehow scrape together enough to pay Decembers, hopefully before end of December, to get up to date (electric & gas bills will have to wait!!)
Came home & packed my case for my stay at Candies nothing glam (unless you count my black jersey Jane Norman, heaving cleavage, shirt dress?) as we wont be out partying so its all warm comfy stuff (mostly leggings) that can be crushed down small in case, to make room for me to put in my presents from my brother & sister, plus my presents for Candy, Nat & Terry.
Had 4 Dutch Krisprolls with Humus & a caffeine free diet coke, to keep the tummy grumbles away, checked the heating etc was turned off & left a few lights on, to deter those looking for somewhere to burgle. Then trundled off with my BIG case, my favourite Salvador Feragamo handbag, and the big Christmas present, from my sister Julie under my arm! Trundling along the icy pavements of St Albans to the 712 bus stop. I got there at 4.38pm, the bus is due 5pm (normally late) but as its the last one I didn't want to risk it coming early (like it did at Brent Cross Thursday) and missing it as they don't run tomorrow!! So I sat reading the paper until the 712 arrived.
The Crossbow Cannibal is on the front page (bet he is loving that, the freak!!) it is feared he may have killed 14, he told an ex he would kill one day & he would not stop until he killed one more than the Yorkshire Ripper (so she is willing to tell the paper that, why the hell didn't she tell the police ages ago when she was with him hearing that?? It may of saved some or all of those poor girls!!) Amanda Judson said he planned it from his teen aged years, adding "I understood one day he would do something really awful, but I always thought he would hurt people, who had done bad things to him in the past!!" (Oh that's OK then!! No need to warn anyone about him!!) She left him after being freaked out when he told her he had skinned his pet rat alive (the vile bastard!!) So him saying he intended killing one more than the Yorkshire Ripper wasn't enough to put her off, but the barbaric murder of a rat was??
Judge James Pickles has died aged 85yrs he use to chat up Candie & I & buy us drinks in China's, in the West End years ago, when we were in our 20's!! Also the last pics of missing Joanna Yeates in Waitrose, poor girl hope they find her!
Judge James Pickles has died aged 85yrs he use to chat up Candie & I & buy us drinks in China's, in the West End years ago, when we were in our 20's!! Also the last pics of missing Joanna Yeates in Waitrose, poor girl hope they find her!
Judge Pickle's
Amazingly the 712 arrived bang on time & the journey to Brent Cross was quite swift, but as I got to the 102 stop the 102 had just pulled out, bugger I thought, but a few moments later there was another one ahh good ol'e London in St Albans I'd have a 30-60min wait for the next bus! got to Candies shattered & dying for a pee but Costa was in the bath so I had to cross my legs & grit my teeth for a bit! Had a bowl of pasta with vegetables & a coffee to warm up & Candie & I were talking about Joanne who's been in the papers & on the news, missing feared abducted (most odd scenario!!) saying how odd the whole thing was & how awful!
I played Triomino's with Xavier (a triangular domino's type game) which he lost interest in when he didn't win the 1st game lol....
Watched the soaps EastEnders & Coronation Street, then Kerry Katona the next chapter, love her or loathe her, CAN Associates certainly have helped her begin to turn her life around (they can represent me any day!!)
Kerry After & Before CAN
Then we watched several Celebrity Juices the Christmas Special is hysterical, especially Leigh Francis, as Keith Lemon, as Santa!! Then Candie & I took ourselves off to bed as the boiler stopped & we couldn't get it started so no heating brrrrr so read paper in bed, Costa Came back from his Greek, Business, Christmas Dinner & got it going again hurahhhhhh!!
Friday 24th Dec (Christmas Eve) Had a very busy dream about fashion designing. I woke at 9am & lay in bed with a sore throat while Candie, Xavier & Costa went about their morning ablutions, then got up, Xavier went to the office with Costa at 9.30am & Candie popped to the shops, to get a few last min prezzies for the kids, while I kept an eye on Tiger 6. I asked her to get something for Tiger & Xavier from me, while out, as she would know what they like, or already have better than I & I'd pay her after. I got dressed in the same Elle olive leggings as yesterday, a ivory turtle neck with gathered leg of mutton sleeves, my silver lurex cardigan and my long flat black, flat boots & put my hair back into a pony tail with a hair piece.
She text me that she had got the boys there gifts from me, she just was off to her hairdressers for a blow dry, then to M&S for some shopping & she'd see me in a bit. I asked her to get me a Sun Paper while out. I made some toast with cheese & coleslaw for brunch, as I had the munchies. Candie Came home & showed me the book & crystal ball looking, large bouncy ball with filaments inside which lit up with blue & red lights when bounced, for Tiger & the realistic looking Camera that squirts water (very Xavier)
Candie said I looked very lady of the Manor today, a kind of modern day Margo (The Goodlife) we watched "Dog The Bounty Hunter" Candie fancies Dog & his son Leoland, pml only Candie!! We then wrapped up a load of the kids presents, while Xavier was out with Costa & Tiger was distracted by his ipad.
Costa got back around 5ish and decided he was going to cook a Greek lamb dish for himself & Xavier (Candie & I are Vegetarian) Candie & I had some Cauliflower Cheese & Veg instead and we had a Bottle of Champagne, One of their married female neighbours called by (invited in for Xmas drink earlier by Costa) and was forced to have some of his lamb to eat despite just about to have dinner with her husband herself, the way Greek, Italian & my family, try to force feed you, the moment you step in the door.
She was talking how QVC had offered her a job on their site but with her background she turned it down (a reporter/presenter on CNN & Life Coach on GMTV among other things) I was saying how I'd love a chance to be one of the QVC people as I am excellent at sales & can talk the hind legs off a donkey. Her husband is a film director, he is about to do a film based on Eurovision (A passion of Candies & mine!) I think you can't be a Fag Hag & NOT LOVE the Campness that is Eurovision!!! Candie told her neighbour about me being on Louie Spence's Showbusiness on Jan 5th & I was telling her about, auditioning new members of my band Evil Barbie & The Ken-Dolls.
Costa opened another Champagne, saying there was plenty of it, and topped me up with my 2nd glass, and the conversation changed to Kate Moss moving in just around the corner, Les Dennis moved into the house opposite Candie's, when he broke up with Amanda Holden. The next door neighbour left & I went to watch the 2nd Corrie of the night while Candie put Tiger to bed, while Costa cleared the table with Xavier, Xavier put a spoon in the bottle to stop the Champagne losing its fizz overnight. Costa asked me why people do that? & I said it had something to do with the bubbles reacting with the metal that keeps it fizzy, Candie called Xavier up for bed after putting out a Carrot for Rudolph & a Baileys for Santa. Costa sat at the table with the ipad (now Tiger free) & had a bit more Champers, while I read the paper.
More on the Crossbow Cannibal refusing food & drink (good let him die & clear up some more space, for another vile criminal) Also there is a bit about my friend ex Satanic Slut, Georgina Baillie, dating Adam Ant, well I knew he was working on some stuff with her, for her new band Maria Maria's album, but that's a new development if its true!! (he kissed me once, when I was in the audience, at one of his concerts in Brighton in the 80's)
More on missing Jo, missing Tesco Pizza is a vital clue to case. Plus Ann Summer's boss Jacqueline Gold has been poisoned by her nanny who was putting screenwash in her food (to think that psychopath was looking after her child!!)
Some Vile Sicko was being hunted after posting a video on YouTube of him putting two helpless kittens in a vacuum bag & connecting it to a vacuum nozzle & sucking all the air out suffocating & crushing them & he then takes out their poor little lifeless body's & throws them on the bed, there is a Facebook group to find the scum, believed to be English by look of room, the RSPCA & PETA are actively following up leads, I'd like to put one of those bags over his head fasten it round his neck & suck out the air!! That's the kind of scum that grows up to be like the Crossbow Cannibal!!
Once kids were asleep, Candy brought down, the really good 3 level Garage with lift, barrier, car wash & curved ramps that she & Xavier had put together earlier, in the spare room, for Tiger, we put it and all the other presents, round the tree.
Once that was done We watched The Only Way Is Essexmas, Can't stand that Lauren Goodger, she is absolutely vile to that lovely Lucy with no good reason (other than jealousy) the only Good thing about her is, the 1st half of her surname!!
Mark is handsome but has the brains of a rocking horse & personality of a dish cloth. I punched my fist in the air when Lucy Meck dumped him, with dignity (she was too good for him!!) & scoffed when he told Lauren that he'd ended it with Lucy (when the reverse was true)
Poor old Arg who Lydia gives a hard time to, is the only decent guy on there, Lydia Bright has a odd, full cheeked hamster face, a bit like a pudgy faced version of the actress that was in The Railway Children & Man About The House, Sally Thomsett. Sometimes she looks pretty, other times (when she has lashes on too big for her eyes) she looks like a Tiny Tears Doll!
Costa went to bed early (think all that Champagne has knocked him out) and Candie & I watched Celebrity Juice before also retiring to bed
Saturday 25th Dec (Christmas Day) Woke due to Father Christmas dropping a stocking on by bed & vanishing around 9am, Xavier came into my room shortly after to see me open my stocking (Candie told me later, he'd chosen the contents) Inside was 3 hair grips, a microfiber hair wrap for when you wash your hair, Imperial Leather, Softly Softly, Bath Cream & Simply Pure cleansing wipes (the boy knows me well)
We got dressed, Candie in a short black dress by Baby Ceylon & me in my Black Jersey, Jane Norman, Shirt Dress, then it was downstairs for Breakfast Smoked Salmon & Scrambled Eggs with Toast, we were meant to have it with Bucks Fizz but Costa & I (with my 2nd glass!) polished off all the Champagne the night before oops!!
Then it was prezzie time & we opened prezzies one at a time to capture each ones moment on Costa's video recorder, Candie found her red nipple tassels, red sequinned thong & Santa hat where ho ho ho lit up funny & Xavier liked his trick camera that looks real but squirts water, and hopefully Tiger will like his Thomas The Tank Engine Book, he was more absorbed in his ipad than in any of his prezzies. Replied to a lot of Happy Christmas messages on my mobile from my friends.
She text me that she had got the boys there gifts from me, she just was off to her hairdressers for a blow dry, then to M&S for some shopping & she'd see me in a bit. I asked her to get me a Sun Paper while out. I made some toast with cheese & coleslaw for brunch, as I had the munchies. Candie Came home & showed me the book & crystal ball looking, large bouncy ball with filaments inside which lit up with blue & red lights when bounced, for Tiger & the realistic looking Camera that squirts water (very Xavier)
Candie said I looked very lady of the Manor today, a kind of modern day Margo (The Goodlife) we watched "Dog The Bounty Hunter" Candie fancies Dog & his son Leoland, pml only Candie!! We then wrapped up a load of the kids presents, while Xavier was out with Costa & Tiger was distracted by his ipad.
Costa got back around 5ish and decided he was going to cook a Greek lamb dish for himself & Xavier (Candie & I are Vegetarian) Candie & I had some Cauliflower Cheese & Veg instead and we had a Bottle of Champagne, One of their married female neighbours called by (invited in for Xmas drink earlier by Costa) and was forced to have some of his lamb to eat despite just about to have dinner with her husband herself, the way Greek, Italian & my family, try to force feed you, the moment you step in the door.
More on missing Jo, missing Tesco Pizza is a vital clue to case. Plus Ann Summer's boss Jacqueline Gold has been poisoned by her nanny who was putting screenwash in her food (to think that psychopath was looking after her child!!)
Some Vile Sicko was being hunted after posting a video on YouTube of him putting two helpless kittens in a vacuum bag & connecting it to a vacuum nozzle & sucking all the air out suffocating & crushing them & he then takes out their poor little lifeless body's & throws them on the bed, there is a Facebook group to find the scum, believed to be English by look of room, the RSPCA & PETA are actively following up leads, I'd like to put one of those bags over his head fasten it round his neck & suck out the air!! That's the kind of scum that grows up to be like the Crossbow Cannibal!!
How Could You Murder Anything This cute??
Once kids were asleep, Candy brought down, the really good 3 level Garage with lift, barrier, car wash & curved ramps that she & Xavier had put together earlier, in the spare room, for Tiger, we put it and all the other presents, round the tree.
Once that was done We watched The Only Way Is Essexmas, Can't stand that Lauren Goodger, she is absolutely vile to that lovely Lucy with no good reason (other than jealousy) the only Good thing about her is, the 1st half of her surname!!
Lucy Meck
Poor old Arg who Lydia gives a hard time to, is the only decent guy on there, Lydia Bright has a odd, full cheeked hamster face, a bit like a pudgy faced version of the actress that was in The Railway Children & Man About The House, Sally Thomsett. Sometimes she looks pretty, other times (when she has lashes on too big for her eyes) she looks like a Tiny Tears Doll!
Lydia & Arg
Sally Thomsett
Tiny Tears
Costa went to bed early (think all that Champagne has knocked him out) and Candie & I watched Celebrity Juice before also retiring to bed
Saturday 25th Dec (Christmas Day) Woke due to Father Christmas dropping a stocking on by bed & vanishing around 9am, Xavier came into my room shortly after to see me open my stocking (Candie told me later, he'd chosen the contents) Inside was 3 hair grips, a microfiber hair wrap for when you wash your hair, Imperial Leather, Softly Softly, Bath Cream & Simply Pure cleansing wipes (the boy knows me well)
We got dressed, Candie in a short black dress by Baby Ceylon & me in my Black Jersey, Jane Norman, Shirt Dress, then it was downstairs for Breakfast Smoked Salmon & Scrambled Eggs with Toast, we were meant to have it with Bucks Fizz but Costa & I (with my 2nd glass!) polished off all the Champagne the night before oops!!
From my sister Julie & Erdal I got a metal female form with hooks on & loops for wall mounting for putting necklaces & scarves on etc a Silver Light up Orchid Spray in Black Vase, both from Dunelm Mill (She must of wrapped them in a hurry, as both had price still on) & a pair of brown & gold Dolce & Gabbana Sunglasses.
We cleared away the wrapping paper & other packaging's & played with some of Xavier's toys. Candie got him a brilliant laminated card Electric guitar which plays a backing track & then you strum on it to play along, its really good Candie said if it goes down in the sales she will get another one & we will go up the South Bank Dressed up as rock stars & busk for a laugh!! (we are sooooo grown up!! NOT!!)
Flicked channels a bit (Typical Christmas TV either rubbish or repeats ----> most of which are also rubbish!!) except for the best ever Christmas Film "Scrooged" which I saw a snippet of. My sister Julie text at 2.54pm (which was unusual as she normally calls) saying "Happy Crimbo - hope your having a lovely day wherever you are & whatever your doing & thanks for the pressies x x x" Which I thought was a bit odd, as she knew I was at Candie's as she asked what I was doing for Christmas, last weekend when she dropped my prezzies off?? Maybe she sent it as a double text to both Bill & I??? I haven't heard from Bill, he hasn't even replied to my text a week ago that I'm on Louie Spence's Showbusiness, mind you maybe I shouldn't be surprised, he told me once if I was on Big Brother, he wouldn't bother watching me and the other talentless losers. Not sure what time to text/call him is best, as not sure if he, or his ex wife, has the 3 kids in the morning or afternoon & I don't want to interrupt family time.
Brother Bill
We saw the Queens Speech, then saw the Start of Shrek The Third (a Shrek I haven't seen) at 3.10pm & then later turned off TV to go to the dinner table at 3.30pm Had a tasty dinner of roast Potatoes, Parsnips, Carrots & Onions with Cauliflower Cheese, with cranberry & bread sauce (Xavier, Costa & Tiger had Turkey) washed down with white wine. We were too full for Christmas pud & put TV on at 5pm as the Gruffalo was going off (lol 2nd year in a row I've missed that animation!!)
Watched the news more on that poor missing girl Joe who vanished the week before Christmas, just like I feared, she was found dead, today! Her body found by a roadside too frozen to do a post mortem yet. Candie was feeling rough (like me she is still not fully over the swine flu) so she went to bed for a bit around 5.15pm Costa cleared the table with Xavier & put stuff in the dish washer. I made Candie a Green tea for her throat & took it up to her.
Tried texting Karen Bills Wife Happy Christmas, & thanking them for the presents as she seems to contact me more than Bill these days, (he never responded to my text to him about Showbusiness starting on January 5th a week ago) but I had no more credit on my phone after messaging all my friends back to return their Christmas texts & there were no shops open. Couldn't reply to Nat or other friends that sent me additional texts either.
Costa lit a log fire in the lounge with Xavier's eager help & put on Nazi Collaborators at 7pm on Yesterday & promptly fell asleep so with him asleep downstairs & Candie asleep upstairs I watched Coronation St & Louie Spence's Christmas message on sky1 & finally saw myself on the promo Advert!! While keeping an eye on the kids.
Candie Came down at 9pm just in time to watch The Royal Family Christmas Special & Costa woke up in time to see it too, quite funny but not really my kinda thing, if I'm honest. Then we watched new show "Come Fly With Me" quite amusing but not rip-roaringly funny like Little Britain use to be!! Xavier didn't quite cotton on that all the Characters were the same two men (even the women) had some cheese & biscuits as I had the munchies with some Port, Candie went up to bed along with Xavier. Watched the "Greatest Christmas Adverts" with Costa he went up to bed after reading a bit of the Alan Sugar Biography Candie got him for Christmas.
I went to bed shortly after, without receiving a Happy Christmas text from my Brother Bill or his wife Karen. I know they have yet to get their presents from me, as there are lots and they are too heavy for me to be able, to afford to post in a big container, but I thought I'd at least get a Happy Christmas, I know they didn't get one from me but I tried to text them, but had run out of credit & their phones are contract not pay as you go, so wont have the same problem, oh well!.
Sunday 26th December, lazed in bed until 10am as Candie, Costa & the kids had also laid in, got up & had a coffee & chatted to Candie, Xavier went out with Costa to cut some Logs etc, I popped over the shop & got myself a NOTW Paper & some Diet Cokes plus some Lucazade's & Rennie for Candie & topped up my mobile to text Bill & Karen Happy Christmas. Came back & gave Candie the cash for the kids prezzies now that I had split the £20 in my purse.
Text Karen my Happy Christmas & thanks for presents message that I tried to send yesterday (adding that I'd tried to send but had run out of credit) then chilled and read the Sunday Paper.Karen text back at 12.26pm "So plsd u like ur pressies June ;) kids came yest4 theirs then went 2 C's sister in aft. Alex is relly coming on now & has some noisy toys 2 play with. We'r going 2c my Mum & Dad 2day - turkey sandwich any1? Njoy ur time with Candie & her family June. Say Merry Christmas from all of us. Love Karen xx"
Then I got hungry & went & fixed myself some left over cauliflower cheese & roast veg from yesterday & re heated in the microwave (as Candie isn't feeling hungry while ill) Washed down with Tia Maria & Diet Coke. Candie said we might go to Nat & Terry's today yesterday, but she's feeling rough & Costa has the car, text Nat Candie said they could come over any time today or tomorrow if they wanted, as she is feeling poorly & has no car. Nat said they were off to his sisters in Birmingham tomorrow & they couldn't come right now as they were waiting for guests to turn up, I said no worries whenever they can there is presents under the tree for them from me. He said he had mine there waiting for me too!
Later Costa & Xavier came back with logs & then Costa disappeared back out in the car again, watched Charlie & The Chocolate Factory with Candie & Xavier (the Johnny Depp version) Tiger was absorbed with his ipad. Then Candie went to have a bath as the base of her spine was hurting & she was feeling ropey! so I kept an eye on Tiger & Xavier until Costa popped in & he and Xavier went out yet again, Costa is like a yo yo back & forth full of nervous energy needing an outlet. Later he called Candie from the Indian & asked us if we wanted a curry brought home, I went for a King Prawn Curry & Rice which was very tasty indeed, washed down with some wine.
Watched EastEnders & then Benidorm (not as funny as expected) also after all the hype about Louie Spence being on it, he was only on screen a few seconds. The kids went to bed, then we watched Candies fave film "Love Actually" & at every romantic act by a guy to a girl we'd turn to each other & go "nothing like that ever happens to me!" which made me laugh as Costa was in the room. We then all went to bed, the papers & TV guides have had today down as Boxing day, which is in fact incorrect, Boxing Day is actually on Tuesday as the rules are you can't have Boxing Day on a Sunday or Bank Holiday so Boxing Day is actually on Tuesday!!.
Louie Spence,
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