This man's hair line is Appalling, and he even has the cheek to braid (whatever is left on his head) with hair extensions . Just because you are a footballer doesn't mean that ,people will let shit like this Slide , i for one will not deal with your Rick James Styled Hair bouncing on top off your head like a virgin horse rider. You play for Corte de voir.Do you realise that You play on the same team as Didier Drogba for fucks sake, at least HE COULD HOOK YOU UP WITH A BARBER.
every time i see the hair on his head ,tears just want to fall from my eyes. If you don't want to step on the pitch looking like a 'soul glow' reject, then please just shave that shit off the top of your head. JHEEZZZ, that or get a tupe. because......
You are fooling NO-ONE!!!
im Rick James Bitch!
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